Our logo


The NTUC logotype

Our logo uses a bold font to depict the spirit of our workers  bold and dynamic, daring to keep ahead of challenges. The italic treatment of the logotype brings out the progressive and agile nature of the Labour Movement, always on the go and ready to take challenges head-on.

Using a strong and recognisable red, this colour represents our passion for the people united by the commitment to stand by each other as we create a workforce for the future.


The U Hallmark

Our heart beats for the people. Hence, our U Hallmark features 3 ‘U’s that represent strength through community. This appears across our brands and affiliates in various colours and patterns, further emphasising our commitment to diversity.


The small U

represents people of all collars, ages and nationalities in Singapore and their families.

The big U

represents the Labour Movement made up of all our affiliates and staff working together for our workforce.

The invisible U

represents a commitment to stand by our workers and their families as we work, live, and play here in Singapore.