NTUC LearningHub


NTUC LearningHub Private Limited was corporatised in 2004 with the mission to enhance the lifelong employability of Singapore’s workforce by providing high quality, innovative products and affordable learning. The training programmes provided by NTUC LearningHub comprise Infocomm Technology, Professional IT Certificates, Soft Skills & Literacy, Workplace Safety & Health, Employability Skills System, Customer Service Training, Pharmaceutical, Trades, Cleaning, WSQ Security and Manufacturing Skills. To date, it has trained close to 800,000 executives and working adults, and has worked with more than 10,000 companies to identify training needs, define curriculum roadmaps and deliver contemporary training programmes. The organisation has evolved to meet the burgeoning training needs of Singaporeans to continuously keep pace with the dynamic business economy.

Targeted at professionals, managers and executives (PMEs), Next U®, NTUC LearningHub’s latest initiative, focuses on developing a new breed of professionals with what is known as “T-shaped competencies” – talents who possess deep skills in their specific area of expertise, as well as broad knowledge of horizontal skills in areas such as finance, business operations and project management.

NTUC LearningHub is strengthening its global partnerships with renowned training hallmarks such as Disney Institute (DI), Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), Juran Institute and Deming Institute to arm its Next U® trainees with world-class, high-end productivity skills. Besides working with established local institutions like SMU School of Information Systems, NUS Extension, Republic Polytechnic and Nanyang Polytechnic, the company is also working with overseas prestigious institutions to tap on their expertise.

6486 7823


NTUC Trade Union House

73 Bras Basah Road, #02-01
Singapore 189556