Model ID: bd7a60ed-5bd5-4294-9044-1f4641420138 Sitecore Context Id: bd7a60ed-5bd5-4294-9044-1f4641420138;

NTUC’s Statement on MHA’s Intent to Designate NTUC as a FICA-PSP

Model ID: bd7a60ed-5bd5-4294-9044-1f4641420138 Sitecore Context Id: bd7a60ed-5bd5-4294-9044-1f4641420138;
11 Jul 2024
Model ID: bd7a60ed-5bd5-4294-9044-1f4641420138 Sitecore Context Id: bd7a60ed-5bd5-4294-9044-1f4641420138;

On 11 July, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) was informed of the Ministry of Home Affairs' (MHA) intent to designate NTUC as a Politically Significant Person (PSP) under the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (FICA).


NTUC is committed to championing our members' and workers' interests. We do so with accountability and transparency. We are aligned with national safeguards to prevent foreign interference, and we will continue to ensure that our operations remain free from foreign influence.


We will review MHA's requirements for the designation process and would like to assure our members, partners, and stakeholders that NTUC's core work to better workers' lives and livelihoods will continue unabated.


NTUC’s statement attributable to NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng