Model ID: 9da416ae-c2d8-456b-974d-e1350a2d6769 Sitecore Context Id: 9da416ae-c2d8-456b-974d-e1350a2d6769;

NTUC-U Care Fund Innovates to Raise Close to $8 Million for Lower-Income Union Members

The monies raised have gone to benefit over 35,000 NTUC union members and 15,000 children through various assistance programmes in 2021.
Model ID: 9da416ae-c2d8-456b-974d-e1350a2d6769 Sitecore Context Id: 9da416ae-c2d8-456b-974d-e1350a2d6769;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 01 Dec 2021
Model ID: 9da416ae-c2d8-456b-974d-e1350a2d6769 Sitecore Context Id: 9da416ae-c2d8-456b-974d-e1350a2d6769;

Despite facing challenges brought about by COVID-19, the NTUC-U Care Fund has innovated to raise close to $8 million in 2021, benefitting over 35,000 NTUC union members and 15,000 members’ children through various assistance programmes.

The sum was revealed at the U Care from the Heart donor appreciation event on 1 December 2021.

Over 460 long-standing and new donors contributed to the fund this year, which have gone towards helping union members alleviate their cost of daily essentials and towards their children’s school-going needs.

Collectively, the Singapore Labour Foundation (SLF), NTUC Income, FairPrice Foundation and Mercatus Co-operative have helped raise some $4.4 million in 2021.

NTUC-affiliated unions and associations have continued to show their support, donating close to $1 million this year.

NTUC Assistant Director-General Zainal Sapari said that while 2021 was a challenging year, NTUC has been exploring new opportunities to ensure that sufficient funds are being raised to assist members in need.

“Some of these efforts have led to new partnerships which we hope to continue in the following years, enabling more to come forward and make a real difference in the lives of our lower-income union members,” said Mr Zainal, who is also the director of the NTUC Care and Share Department.

New Fundraising Model

The U Care Fund has embarked on new ways to raise funds to garner a wider pool of donors in 2021.

Close to $1 million was raised through new collaborations with new and existing stakeholders, and the adoption of new technologies and platforms to call for donations.

Blockchain for Good

One of the key fundraisers this year was the Blockchain for Good initiative, which was Singapore’s first Non-Fungible Token charity auction.

Over $400,000 was raised from the Blockchain Association Singapore’s (BAS) corporate members and the public, which exceeded the fundraiser’s initial target of $250,000.

An agreement was signed between U Care Fund and BAS to continue the use of blockchain technology for fundraising purposes.

FT Consulting

U Care Fund partnered with consulting company FT Consulting and became the home-grown business’ adopted charity for 2021.

Leveraging FT Consulting’s 30th anniversary celebrations, the company helped raise some $130,000 by rallying 31 local SMEs.

HyperLive Entertainment

Another collaboration was with local start-up HyperLive Entertainment, which helped raise over $200,000 in donations.

HyperLive did the fundraising through an e-Getai charity concert.

U Care Fund also expanded its efforts to raise funds through digital platforms such as and PayNow. Over $280,000 has been raised through this initiative.

Although the donation format has changed, Mr Zainal said the outcome remains the same.

He said: “Giving is not about making a donation, it is about making a difference.”