Model ID: e76fd862-4b0e-4b33-a766-9f1495d6ab1a Sitecore Context Id: e76fd862-4b0e-4b33-a766-9f1495d6ab1a;

Union of Security Employees: Give Security Officers the Respect and Dignity They Deserve

The security union’s general secretary Raymond Chin weighs in on the incident involving a security officer and driver at Red Swastika School on 11 January 2022.
Model ID: e76fd862-4b0e-4b33-a766-9f1495d6ab1a Sitecore Context Id: e76fd862-4b0e-4b33-a766-9f1495d6ab1a;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 12 Jan 2022
Model ID: e76fd862-4b0e-4b33-a766-9f1495d6ab1a Sitecore Context Id: e76fd862-4b0e-4b33-a766-9f1495d6ab1a;

The public must accord security officers with respect and dignity while they carry out their duties, urged Union of Security Employees (USE) General Secretary Raymond Chin in a phone interview on 12 January 2022.

Mr Chin was responding to the altercation between a 61-year-old Bentley driver and 62-year-old security officer Neo Ah Whatt on 11 January 2022 at the Red Swastika School.

The incident, captured on video that has since gone viral on social media, showed the driver using his vehicle to push Mr Neo out of the way as he was blocking the driver from entering the school premises.


Mr Neo sustained light injuries to his knee and was given three days of medical leave.

After learning of the incident, Mr Chin and other union representatives visited Mr Neo at his residence. Mr Neo said to them that it was only in hindsight that he realised the danger he was in at the time.

“What was going through his mind then was that he had to prevent the vehicle from coming in [to the compound] as there were students, parents and teachers crossing the driveway,” said Mr Chin.

Mr Chin also reminded security officers to not endanger themselves while in the line of duty and to report any work-related issues through the USE Mobile app available on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

More Responses from the Labour Movement

NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng took to Facebook and labelled the incident as an act of aggression.

“This act of aggression against our officers who are merely carrying out their duties cannot be condoned … NTUC stands in solidarity with our unions, and together, we will do what is necessary to protect our workers,” wrote Mr Ng.

USE Executive Secretary Steven Tan commended Mr Neo on Facebook, saying that he remained professional throughout the entire ordeal.

He wrote: “There are many Uncle Neos among us, merely doing what they are employed to do whilst their families wait for them to come home safely. Why should they have to put up with abuse by simply going to work?”