Mr Heng Chee How
Deputy Secretary-General, NTUC
Centric Director (Union)
Centric Director (Social Enterprises)
Champion (Mature Workers)
Chairman, Executive Committee (Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute)
Advisor, Amalgamated Union of Statutory Board Employees
Trustee, Attractions, Resorts & Entertainment Union
Trustee, Building Construction And Timber Industries Employees' Union
Trustee, DBS Staff Union
Trustee, Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore Staff Union
Advisor, Keppel FELS Employees' Union
Trustee, National Transport Workers' Union
Advisor, Scoot Tigerair Staff Union
Trustee, Singapore Industrial & Services Employees' Union
Advisor, Singapore Shell Employees' Union
Advisor, Singapore Teachers' Union
Advisor, Singapore Technologies Electronics Employees' Union
Advisor, Singapore Union of Broadcasting Employees
Advisor, SPRING Singapore Staff Union
Trustee, Staff Union of NTUC-ARU
Advisor, Union of Telecoms Employees of Singapore
Advisor, United Workers of Electronics and Electrical Industries
Senior Minister of State, Prime Minister's Office
Member of Parliament, Jalan Besar Group Representation Constituency
Advisor, Union of Telecoms Employees of Singapore
Director, NTUC Enterprise Co-operative Limited
Director, NTUC Income Insurance Co-operative Limited
Board of Governor, Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute