Model ID: bb25a382-1a8a-42ef-b9c8-a78dd5715ca2 Sitecore Context Id: bb25a382-1a8a-42ef-b9c8-a78dd5715ca2;

NTUC Forms Two New Associations to Represent Freelancers and Self-Employed

The latest two associations are the Visual, Audio, Creative Content Professionals Association (Singapore) (VICPA) and the National Delivery Champions Association (NDCA).
Model ID: bb25a382-1a8a-42ef-b9c8-a78dd5715ca2 Sitecore Context Id: bb25a382-1a8a-42ef-b9c8-a78dd5715ca2;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 11 Dec 2020
Model ID: bb25a382-1a8a-42ef-b9c8-a78dd5715ca2 Sitecore Context Id: bb25a382-1a8a-42ef-b9c8-a78dd5715ca2;

NTUC has formed the Visual, Audio, Creative Content Professionals Association (Singapore) (VICPA) and the National Delivery Champions Association (NDCA) to represent and advance the interests of freelancers and self-employed persons in the respective sectors.

NTUC made the announcement through a press release on 11 December 2020.

Both associations will work closely with various stakeholders to address issues faced by these groups of workers, strengthen their support structures, as well as improve their work prospects.

NTUC’s Freelancers and Self-Employed unit (U FSE) found that these two groups of freelancers were ready to form their own associations after engaging the groups over the last few months.

“To better support and reach out to different groups of FSEs [freelancers and self-employed], NTUC has formed these two associations and we hope more FSEs will join us so that we can build a community to help fellow FSEs better their livelihood.

“NTUC will always be here for our FSEs, to represent them and bring up their concerns to related stakeholders, looking after their welfare and ensuring that freelancing can be a viable and sustainable career,” said NTUC U SME and Women & Family Unit Director Yeo Wan Ling.

NTUC U FSE Director Jean See also said that her unit has been working closely with various FSE communities to support their interests, strengthen their resilience via training and other opportunities, as well as provide care and a helping hand.

With the advent of COVID-19, U FSE has been in constant engagement with delivery riders through assistance programmes such as the ‘Delivery Rider Kit’ and the NTUC Training Fund (SEPs) and SIRS.

“With more associations on-board, NTUC U FSE looks forward to stepping up as a collective voice for FSEs and stands ready to work closely with associations’ leaders and stakeholders to strengthen our members’ career viability and sustainability for the present and in the future economy,” said Ms See.


Many visual, audio, and creative content professionals found that a lack of industry standards has contributed to the undervaluation of their services, said NTUC in a release. The lack of industry standards will hinder the progression of the industry, leading to an eventual exit of talent from the sector.

NTUC said that VICPA’s top priority is to represent these FSEs – lending its support and resources to create an eco-system that will advance their professionalism and advance their interests.


Meanwhile, the NDCA will address issues such as income stability, safety and insurance coverage adequacy.

The NDCA will work towards providing its members, access to insurance coverage in the event of loss of income.

NDCA members will enjoy a suite of NTUC benefits such as insurance coverage against death and total and permanent disability (NTUC Gift), training assistance (UTAP) and cash support such as the NTUC Care Fund (COVID-19).